Titoli accademici
- 2009: Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia presso l’Università Ospedale San Raffaele.
- 2015: Specializzazione in Radiodiagnostica presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano.
Esperienze professionali
- 2010-2012: specializzando presso IRCCS Policlinico San Donato.
- 2012-2013: specializzando presso Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori.
- 2013: specializzando presso Fondazione IRCCS Cà Granda – Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Dipartimento di Neuroradiologia.
- 2013-2014: research fellow presso University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Dipartimento di Radiologia – RM e TC.
- 2014-2015: specializzando presso ICP Ospedale dei Bambini V. Buzzi.
- dal 2015: servizio ecografico presso Centro Medico Santagostino, Milano.
- dal 2016: servizio ecopgrafico presso CDI
- Società Italiana di Radiologia Medica (SIRM)
- European Society of Radiology (ESR)
- Santagostino I, Socci C, Orsenigo E, Caldara R, Parolini D, Aldrighetti L, Castoldi R, Zuber V, Frasson M, Tomajer V, Casiraghi T, Secchi A, Di Carlo V, Staudacher C. Insulin Independence in IDDM Patients After Transplantation of Pancreas From Pediatric Donors. JOP, Journal of the Pancreas (Online) 2008; 9 (suppl 6): 860.
- Santagostino I, Socci C, Orsenigo E, Caldara R, Parolini D, Aldrighetti L, Frasson M, Carvello M, Secchi A, Di Carlo V, Staudacher C. Pancreata From Pediatric Donors Restore Insulin Independence in Adult IDDM Recipients. Transplant International 2009; 22 (suppl 2): 333.
- Socci C, Orsenigo E, Santagostino I, Caldara R, Parolini D, Castoldi R, Frasson M, Luparini F, Ghirardelli L, Gremizzi C, Secchi A, Di Carlo V, Staudacher C. Improved Pancreas-Alone Transplantation Survival With Organs Removed From Traumatic Donors. Transplant International 2009; 22 (suppl 2): 334.
- Santagostino I, Socci C, Orsenigo E, Caldara R, Parolini D, Frasson M, Maffi P, Nifosi J, Gremizzi C, Secchi A, Di Carlo V, Staudacher C. Comparative assessment of immunosuppressive regimens in pancreas alone transplantation. Xenotrasplantation 2009; 16 (5): 310.
- Socci C, Orsenigo E, Caumo A, Santagostino I, Caldara R, Parolini D, Castoldi R, Secchi A, Staudacher C. Portal drainage of insulin secretion improve long-term metabolic control in type 1 diabetic recipients. Xenotrasplantation 2009; 16 (5): 339.
- Santagostino I, Socci C, Orsenigo E, Caldara R, Parolini D, Castoldi R, Aldrighetti L, Secchi A, Di Carlo V, Staudacher C. Insulin independence after transplantation of paediatric pancreas in adult IDDM recipients. Xenotransplantation 2009; 16 (5): 339.
- Socci C, Orsenigo E, Santagostino I, Caumo A, Caldara R, Parolini D, Aldrighetti L, Castoldi R, Frasson M, Carvello M, Ghirardelli L, Secchi A, Di Carlo V, Staudacher C. Pancreata From Pediatric Donors Restore Insulin Independence in Adult Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus Recipients. American Journal of Transplantation 2010; 42 (6): 2068 – 70.
- Santagostino I, Sconfienza LM, Babaei B, Gozzi G, Piazza R, Di Leo G, Sardanelli F. Normal values of aortic diameter (AD) in relation to the wrist circumference (WC): a study on 500 patients. Poster C0757, ECR 2011.
- Santagostino I, Sconfienza LM, Babaei B, Gozzi G, Piazza R, Di Leo G, Sardanelli F. Normal values of aortic diameter (AD) in relation to the wrist circumference (WC): a study on 838 asymptomatic subjects. Poster, ECR 2012.
- Sconfienza LM, Santagostino I, Babaei B, Gozzi G, Piazza R, Di Leo G, Sardanelli F. When the Diameter of the Abdominal Aorta Should Be Considered as Abnormal? A New Ultrasonographic Index Using the Wrist Circumference as a Body Build Reference. European Journal of Radiology 2013; 82 (10): e532-e536.
- Santagostino I, Al Obaidy M, Ramalho M, Shin KS, Busireddy KK, Semelka RC. Post-locoregional therapy MRI evaluation of malignant liver lesions. Current Cancer Therapy Reviews, 2013; 9 (3): 173-180.
- Busireddy KK, Al Obaidy M, Ramalho M, Kalubowila J, Baodong L, Santagostino I, Semelka RC. Pancreatitis-imaging approach. World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology, 2014; 5 (3): 252-270.(IF = 3.454)
Principali settori di attività al CDI
- Risonanza magnetica
- TC coronarica
- Ecografie